
2022 Lambda Literary Writer's Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices Reading

Irene Villaseñor’s writing appears in Queer Nature: An Ecoqueer Poetry Anthology, My Phone Lies to Me: Fake News Poetry Workshops as Radical Digital Media Literacy, Nepantla: An Anthology Dedicated to Queer Poets of Color, Nat. Brut, Journal of Latina Critical Feminism, Santa Fe Writers Project’s Quarterly Journal, and Yellow Medicine Review: A Journal of Indigenous Literature, Art, and Thought. Irene is also a co-curator for the Bespoke Next Gen series at the Bureau of General Services—Queer Division bookstore. She was invited to read her poetry at the 2022 Whitney Biennial: Quiet As It’s Kept, as part of an event honoring A Gathering of the Tribes. IG / Twitter: IreneSenor


A Gathering of the Tribes: Marathon Reading | Day One